Your True Calling – Life Showing Signs

It’s been a while my readers I know, but where has the time passed? I feel like it’s coming to an end of the year an era, a whole new decade is about to start a whole new generation and advancements and people / progress. How does it feel? It feels scary, anxious, exciting, and so many emotions. Like what all do I do now? What goals and expectations should I set to accomplish because of all the time that has passed.

Well, guess what it’s better to start your work on YOU, you are the most important thing to anything you want to do and accomplish and even though time has passed, this is the time now, life is showing you signs and your true calling this is it. No matter, how long it has taken you look at the positive aspects to your life and what’s taking place, you NEVER know what could take place later on.

This blog is just going to be about a little sharing of my stories and advice with along side of what is truly taking place in your life?

Let’s start with 1. topic for sure your surroundings and environment, if you think about it life and I relate spiritually god does everything for a reason. It all happens for a reason the good and bad the times life is destroying you and throwing you at your lowest points which I have had in the past couple months and still having but holding on to the hope, faith, prayers, belief, and knowing it will be okay because no matter what issue I go through mainly bills or financially or even life just throwing obstacles and shit just happening I am okay, I am breathing, I am still here, and I got through my last problem so I know I will get through the next time.

See how funny life can be? How it all works? Another topic lets say we are talking about relationships and friendships. The Universe everything is telling you these signs and things which I strongly believe. Imagine, okay something is not working out with your partner you guys are having a tough break, and things are changing. People change, and shit happens and sometimes there’s never any explanations or things we can control in life, but your asking why and it’s happening right? The universe might be telling you it’s over, it’s time to let go, it’s time this isn’t for you I have better things planned for you. Thinking of it this way like wow, that point is right. Obviously every situation is different but forgive and hold on to no grudges or regrets move on and focus on yourself if it happens it happens if it comes back it will find a way to come back to you because that’s life.

Or what about the toxic people in your life and it’s not working out but your trying to keep a friendship or something that was long over due to be over with or gone. You’re holding on to something that isn’t there any more and the universe / life is showing you hey it’s time to cut out the negativity and those people those relationships and friendships it wasn’t working out it’s time now to let it go and make new connections or friendships / relationships its time to let go and put yourself a priority. It’s time life is telling you..

I never thought of situations and life like this way but I should’ve started long ago, but staying positive and staying healthy is good for you and your mentality it’s important to you it’s important to believe and have hope. It’s important to stay happy and love yourself it’s good for yourself and your heart. It’s important to have a good close family or support friend group of people who care and want to listen and be there for you.

What about your true calling when love comes to you and you’re afraid of the outcome don’t have the insecurities and negativity this moment right now isn’t your past it isn’t the back then it is now and someone out there is waiting for you to take their hand to take a leap of trust, love, happiness, and faith to create a well balanced life to go through it all with you so what are waiting for? Your true calling is coming it’s here or it will come don’t give up they say don’t give up.

As for me, I’ve found that after years of trying to figure it out people come and go but the ones you’ve have bumpy roads and the good or the bad and gone through it and learned to forgive and move on is the hardest to find and hardest to let go because you love those people. Thanks to my OG’s for getting me here we have all come a long way my 90’s group! It is important to have family who care and it is important to ask for help when you need it. It is important to enjoy life and what this universe has to offer and it’s beautiful travel spots and adventures with whomever!

The universe can even do a calling on your career or job if it isn’t working what it’s time to find, search, and have a plan do what your meant to do and keep doing it because your good at it and it’s your ONE THING your THING your TALENT your calling. The toxic work environments won’t work for us anymore honey it’s time to find a new one, a new plan, and take the risks to try something new and that works better for you because you never know until you try or give it a try.

The important of having faith and giving things patience, time, and learning more about yourself the universe is telling you men and women or teens or children or who ever that you need to take a break take a minute enjoy this moment treat yourself or go out somewhere with friends don’t work too hard and push yourself or put so many expectations and all for yourself leaving you hurt to the core with negativity it’s a new era coming inshallah and you don’t need that. You need to just breathe, meditate, workout, do some yoga, try a new hobby, try a new thing, and travel or something but take a break the universe said. Keep praying and connect with your spirituality it will help trust me. It helped me a long time and still is.

The universe said that it’s okay your not where you want to be it’s okay that it’s taking time but it’ll be worth it at the end the wait will be worth it the universe said that you will eventually accomplish all your goals and dreams in due time I will make it happen. That’s important that took me a long time to realize, and I realized a lot and still growing everyday daily and that’s important to take every minute and second of your time seriously because you are worth it, you are valuable, you are seen, you are heard, you are loved, you are blessed, you are beautiful, you are handsome. Everyone this message and blog is for all of you out here alone, independent, struggling, and need a day or time to read a break here it is the universe calling me here to tell you this is it.

That’s important taking risks, and trying to keep trying and testing the new experiments for failures to lead up to success cause that’s what we want us millennials we want that and we’re scared or afraid but we have to try or take the risks. You never know what life has to offer if you don’t learn how to let the toxic go and create a better life or true calling for you this is your world and universe do it your way the right way. Ya dig?

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